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Midwest Sports Car Club > Cars, Motorcycles, and Boats

#1 Oct 14, 2009, 4:28 am Hide



is 137k (asking) fair market price for these now??
The beautiful TDF blue hides the ugly lines of the F430 and is exactly how I would set upa F430 if I were to order one, only I would have carbon ceramic brakes.

Does anyone know of any other TDF F430 6 speeds out there?

and whats the general accepted performance stats for a F430? I know a LP560-4 is faster, but almost impossible to get a 6 speed. I only know of a white one, and its got red interior

0-60,100,150, etc
60-0 steal brakes
100-0 steal brakes
top speed
did it ever do a Top Gear lap?
#2 Oct 15, 2009, 4:41 am Hide



all you guys spend time at F chat and have no opinion of realistic performance (not the BS Ferrari puts out with there with their Euro ringer press car)

also, can the Scuderia front bumper fit on the F430?? Or a good aftermarket one?
get rid of those ugly ass nostrols

and the F430 did a TG lap, slower than the CS and nothing impressive compared to the LP640 and the G/LP560
Im sure the CS would be much more raw and fun, but in the end the paddles would kill the fun and experience
#3 Oct 15, 2009, 7:20 am Hide


talked to Cats, a Scud bumper will fit!!
and they have one for sale for only 5k
5k to make an ugly car pretty is fair enough
especially since MSRP is 9k and another 2-3k for the CF spliter
and after a 29k CGT and 11k Diablo bumper it aint all that bad. Who would have known a Ferrari would have the "reasonable" priced parts
#4 Oct 15, 2009, 8:34 am Hide


Confirmed by two people that it bolts right on.
#5 Oct 17, 2009, 2:48 pm Hide


might be adding an f car to the garage soon.......

they just need to get more realistic on price