Interesting read on the future of lighting

Midwest Sports Car Club > Cars, Motorcycles, and Boats

#1 Feb 23, 2013, 6:06 am Hide


this is a link to a page from Audi @CES about auto lighting and technology.
the whole article is 8 pages and informative about auto safety, lighting, and how current/future technologies are being integrated into not only the Audi brand, but others as well.

#2 Feb 23, 2013, 6:07 am Hide


8 pages!!!

eff that, I just put on my brights at night

problem solved, lol
#3 Feb 23, 2013, 6:18 am Hide

KSv10 meals went first, then conversation without a smartphone, now reading is becoming extinct.....


I said that there were 8 pages if you were interested in reading more; the link is just to the page about auto lighting technologies. Here's the Cliff Notes version to see if you would like to read more...

LED, OLED, Laser, flexible lighting that integrates into the cars body, cool youtube vids of live examples of the new tech, lasers projecting onto the road for safety etc etc.
#4 Feb 23, 2013, 6:25 am Hide


Dug <3

meh, theyre just lights to me. I cant see them when Im driving.
Im still amazed Audi was able to turn DRL into an actual design feature that not only people loved, but seperated them from the pack. Cheapest bang for the buck ever.
Despite cars, like my CGT, having led lights everywhere, I think they are dumb and just gimicky and the latest fad. soon they willbe just as cool as neon lights under your car all the ricers had.
All cars built after I think 2009 have to have HID or whatever kind of lights now that make the road lit up with white light. If I can see at night, Im happy, everythign else is rather pointless to me.
#5 Feb 23, 2013, 7:17 am Hide


Fair statement, and I tend to agree with you on some points; especially the LED "fad". But good design is good design; and sometimes the accents can make something great even better. Wonder who will have the next major design influence; Audi had the lighting first, now everyone has it. Prob the Laser headlights; every Star Wars fan and Trekkie will have phasers on stun and line up in droves to buy whoever gets it to market first.
#6 Feb 23, 2013, 7:33 am Hide


Mercedes tends to have alot of stuff first that ends up on cars 10 years later. Most is just :im better than you" crap that doesnt really change anything, but it makes you feel superior....then they start making it in Alabama and you have to take it into the dealer all the time to fix it