That brand new Audi S5, Lotus Exige S or Corvette Z06 you’re dying to own may seem a little expensive now but one day those very cars could be collector items that you could auction off for a couple of hundred thousand dollars at the Barrett-Jackson Auction in Scottsdale. Hagerty Insurance, an insurance company that specializes in protecting collector cars, has created a list of 10 new cars for sale in 2008 that it believes have the greatest potential to be collector items in 15-20 years.
And according to their list, even the frugal consumer can one day auction off his/her car for a couple of hundred thousand dollars – well, if you’re willing to wait 15-20 years. Prices of the cars on the list range from $12,000 to more than $70,000, while horsepower ranges from 70 to more than 500.